Live Your Brand

If you don't know I love all things Rob Dyrdek...he's a pro skater who does a lot...including having a couple shows on MTV that I recently got both of my parents hooked on...

A couple seasons ago on his show Fantasy Factory he did an episode titled Live You Brand were he made his cousin Drama "Live His Brand"...Drama heads up the brand Young and Reckless and Rob didn't think that Drama was reckless to make Drama prove himself...some of things they did were to smash Drama's brother's car (his brother is called Big Cat)...and then the climax of the show was when they both jumped out on a building like 6 or 7 stories high onto one of those giant blown up rectangles that they use for stunts in movies...proving that Drama was indeed reckless...

Nicole and I were talking about it after having watched the episode the other night and she said it's like God is saying to us "Live Your Brand" with me I say I'm Wonder I'm I going to face the challenges ahead or am I going to run and hide...I would hope I would act/look a little like this...

As I think about this more it occurs to me to how this seems to not just go along with the Wonder Woman idea but other things as how we have always been a family that wants to live out our faith and be loving and help others out...we want to be like Christ not just say we are Christians...and people often already think we are like Job...I wonder what they think about that comparison now...

This feeling of Live Your Brand must also be flooding into the church as the church begins to act like the church bringing all their needs before God and pouring out love onto us without us saying that its ok...they are trying to act on the spirit calling instead of just doing what is normal to do...

We keep hearing about churches all over that are praying for us or all the people that giving us grandma said people were over all day yesterday and that blows my mind...thank you...thank you for stepping up to the call to live your brand for our family and getting us things that it may seem silly to get but it really does all are amazing and I love seeing how God is working in all of this even if the circumstances are sucky...


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