I almost threw up in dad's room today

Today dad's road rash was uncovered and it was pusing which is a good sign but it looked super gross and well it made me a little sick to my stomach...ok a lot sick to my stomach...so I couldn't stay in there long and when I tried to eat lunch my stomach got a little more upset...and then I took a nap...

I was thinking about some other things to tell you about my appointment yesterday even though mom already wrote about it on caringbridge.org...like how we got to see Joyce who is the new home hemo training nurse...the last time I saw her she was taking care of me in the hospital...so she was excited to see me again the other day again too...it's nice to have all these nurses around who care about me so much...

Speaking of nurses we have had a lot of good nurses that have been taking care of dad...mom and I like the first nurse Tami because she gave it to us straight and then Chris had a very calming spirit that was nice...and then Kathy who it took some warming up to get used to but we ended up liking her...and now Kina who today was trying to take care of me and dad so that I didn't throw up of pass out seeing dad's gross stomach...

Recently mom and I have been a bit more optimistic about dad recovering...but then the problem becomes what do we do when dad needs to come home...where do we put a bed for him downstairs and where do we put all the stuff we are going to have to take out or move around...it's crazy to think about those things and we have to remember we don't have to deal with that yet and need to take a chill pill...

Today when we got home we had a lot of mail from people again...and well I almost peed my pants when I saw again how much people care about us...the gifts from people we know and don't know keep pouring in and it's crazy...thank you so much...it means so much to us and helps put moms mind to ease about some things...

I am finding more and more though that for now I should stay home...even though I want to be at the hospital it is wearing me out a lot...and seeing dad sometimes makes me feel sick...so I am thinking I should stay home and try to take care of things here including myself...I still might go up every now and then but mostly stay home resting...we don't need both dad and me to be sick...I'll be around though if you want to drop something off but I might not really want to talk much...sometimes I am ok talking about what is going on but other times even just thinking about what happened makes me want to cry...

Again we are so grateful for all you have done for us...your out pouring of love is such a blessing...and we amazed how God is providing for us through you all...we can never thank you enough...


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