I've been in a funky mood...

A lot of interesting things have been happening this week...

Been spending a lot of time with my cousin Cassie which has been a lot of fun...

But things got a little intense-ish yesterday morning when Cassie and I got into an argument with another cousin of ours...part of me is mad at myself that I got into the argument...that I let myself get mad and raise my voice and such...but then I think about how I stood up for myself and my cousin and actually had a logical argument...so I go back and forth between being mad at myself and being proud of myself...which is confusing and is adding to the weird moods I have been having...

I often go from wanting to cry to being super happy...which is nuts...I know but I am a girl...and a sick on at that...

This week I have super hated having to be on dialysis but my brother Garrett has come over a couple times and brought friends so that has helped dialysis not be to bad...but I still hate being sick...I hate being tied to the house and my bed...it probably didn't help that I was feeling so sick at the beginning of the week...

All that equals my moodiness for the week...hopefully it only lasts a week...


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