All is quiet on the home front

Most of today has been spent camping out in the and I go up to see dad every couple of hours...

All morning in it was just mom, nicole, and myself...then friends from Wisconsin showed up since we have weathered a lot with them with my transplant and the death of the pastor we all used to be friends with that sort of brought us all my cousin Lisa and her husband Phil are cousin Cassie who is at the house with my grandma texts us every now and then to tell us what people are bringing over...thank you everyone so have no idea how much that means to also means a lot that so many people have been praying for us today...I think that is a big reason why I don't feel sick to my stomach today...means a lot to us that so many people care for us and want to love on us...I am definitely seeing people repay us for the things that dad has done for them...he used to always help people out and wouldn't ask for anything in return but would say "pass it on"...thanks for passing some of it back to's incredible and overwhelming in a good way...

Dad looks a little freaky today...he is really swollen all over and his eyes look a little weird...I don't know how to describe it it just is gross to me...for the updates on that continue to go to a lot of the things I would have to say right now about that are the same things mom already said...we are developing a better relationship with the new nurse today as she learns how long we have been dealing with my health issues...

Dad can't really hear us because he is so drugged but I keep telling him stuff all the time...anything really that comes to my time I told him that I was supposed to be the one causing drama not him...another time I told him now he only has one foot that is gonna be stinky if he makes it...I also told us he was freaking us all out and that two of mom's "sons" who don't live in IL right now are flying home Monday (Cory from Texas, Danny from Arizona)...I still make fun of him a lot...

This morning mom and I sat around laughing talking about things we have done with dad or did with dad when we were little...Nicole said the last thing she did with dad was when she was over the other day and Nicole and I had just gotten Avenger's themed nerf toys and we all got into a nerf war and dad has matrix/ninja we were laughing about that a lot...

Last night it was great to be able to stay at our friends house Tom and Teresa and I talked about how we felt comfortable there and how nice it was to be close to the hospital...we are very thankful for them and the support that their family have been...Teresa's brother Ken and dad used to be best friends before Ken's fishing accident 14 years ago when he died...they know what this feels like so having them around has been great...

I feel like I can't say thank you enough for all you have been doing so thank you again...


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