I love C.S. Lewis books...

Especially the Chronicles of Narnia...and one of my favorite moments in the book and the movie is when I think it's Mrs. Beaver says "Aslan is on the move."...as a little kid I didn't know why I loved that so much but there was so much mystery and power in those five words...something stirred up inside of me...wonder...excitement...adoration...

Now when I think about it I love it all the more..."Aslan is on the move."...that really does hold a lot of power...even with those words it's implied that nothing can stop him...and things will be set right again...good things are coming...in the book that meant Christmas and spring and the end of the White Witch's reign...

In my life that looks a little different though...it could mean a transplant...it could mean a job I love...it could mean being able to write a book...it could mean a lot of good things...

The problem is I keep forgetting that...I forget that I have a God who wants to give good gifts...and I forget that I have a God who works all things out for the good of those who love him...and I forget how much he loves me...I forget that he has promised me some good things in this life and that he never goes back on his promises...he is always faithful...

I was reading last night in John 9 about Jesus healing the blind man and I was blown away by how he asks who the Son of Man is and when Jesus says he is him he follows him...no hesitation...his trust and his child-like faith took me back for a second...first he's been standing in front of the Pharisees throwing questions right back at them and challenging their logic...and then he doesn't even question that Jesus is who he says he is...

I started to wish that I was like that too...that when God says something I follow and believe no questions asked...but to often I am more like some other characters we see in the Bible...I'm Abram trying to make God's promises come true on my own...I'm Moses wanting signs and trying to get someone else to fill my spot...I'm Gideon hiding out in a hole crapping my pants when called to move...I'm David messing up time and time again not listening to the Lord...I'm Thomas saying what about me I love Jesus too when do I get to see him...

The truth of the mater is that I hear that Aslan is on the move and I get excited and think great i get to see him soon good things are coming soon...but then when I wait longer than I think I should I start to question...is he really on the move...is he really gonna do this...and my patience wears thin...and I forget that things are on God's timing not Abby's timing...and I forget that Aslan is always on the move wither I see the results or not...

I have to remind myself that God doesn't work how I think he should...Kendall Payne has this song I love that I may have mentioned before but it speaks so clearly of what I struggle with myself...It's titled Aslan...and the chorus says "He won't say the words you wish that he would. He won't do the deeds you know that he could. He don't think the thoughts you think that he should. But he is good. He is good."...I have to remind myself of that...he doesn't work how I think he should when I put him in my box for safe keeping...he's unpredictable and sometimes scary and at times confusing...but oh is he good...

PS...check out the whole song Aslan by Kendall Payne...I doubt that you will regret it


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