Something bad has happened

Don't worry its not anything more accidents or crazy health issues...none the less its bad...doubt...fear...insecurity...nerves...about camp have set in...I am starting to doubt all that I planned...doubt my ability...doubt that I should even be doing this even though it will be my fourth year counseling at senior camp...which is our churches camp for high school aged campers...I doubt that I will be useful...that I will have anything good to say or to teach the girls I will have in my cabin...I'm fearful that they will thinking "gosh B we've heard this a million times don't you have anything better to say"...I am fearful that since I will have outgoing senior girls that their last year won't be memorable enough or fun enough...that they will leave disappointed...

But I have to remember the campers never leave disappointed...

And I have to remember that right out of high school the Deans of camp asked me to come and trusted me to counsel on my own...I may not trust my abilities but those around me sure do...

And I have to remember that if God wants to move there is no way that I can get in his way...and he is always on the move...

I have to remember that I am not alone...I will be surrounded by people you love me and who want to see me succeed...

Two of those people would be these brothers of mine...

They love me so much they have beards right now...I'm not sure if its a good thing that they are feeding into my facial hair obsession but they did it anyways...(and for those of you who don't know these aren't really my in they did not come from my mothers womb...but they are part of the family of Jesus and they have become a part of our family as well)...anyway back to what I was saying about love...even something silly and simple like this is a sign of love for me...Lance (who is on the bottom) is even calling his facial hair a BB  beard in honor of me...

So though I may not be confident those around me are confident in me and what I can do because of what they see in me...I am one lucky girl to have so many friends like them who believe in me...

Also since I will be out at camp for a week starting tomorrow I will not have my normal Sunday posting or a million posting during the week like I have started to do...but when I get back from camp I might have a ton to write about since I did last year after camp and it wasn't even my best yeah just a heads up...

And if you would pray for me and the entire camp this week it would be greatly appreciated...thanks!!!


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