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So I just got back from camp today...and some pretty awesome stuff we got two new brothers in of them even prayed the prayer in front of cool...makes me cry thinking of was amaze-balls...

And my girls...let me just say I had the best cabin ever...I had to sort of fight for some of them...and I made the "best trade ever" of the year at our "drafting" so that was great...and man was it so worth it...they were honest and open and willing to learn and ask questions...and as the older at girls at camp they were great princesses...which is great because for our little devos we talked about princesses and being like princesses...which is surprising that I would choose to talk about that since I have always hated being called a princess...but as lessons it worked out great and the girls really lived up to it...

I also had a dreally great co-counselor in my best friend Nicole...she was so great at asking questions and getting the girls to understand different things...and she was great when she helped out with Girls Night with the Twins...I am very proud of her and I thought she showed a lot of wisdom and she worked so hard...I love love love that she is my best friend...

And I was able to do pretty much everything which is good since last year I wasn't...I did crash the last night big time but I wore myself out...thank God I made it through the whole week...I did have to do dialysis a few days but it wasn't to bad...I didn't really miss anything...and I was able to take a nap in the middle of those days...

I also got to spend a lot of time with this kid...

so that makes me super happy...I knew him when he was a cute little junior camper...and now he's a man...and a stud...basically I love him a lot and wish that we lived closer to one another so I could see him more than twice a year...

I also personally cried a lot...I tend to hold things in...emotion there were a few nights when I was super bawling...thinking about all that has happened and all that still will happen as we adjust to's more overwhelming than I let yeah...that wasn't fun but it was needed...I gotta stop holding all that in...

I also was asking my girls during the week what are something that God taught you thi past year or is still teaching you...they shared a lot of things about control and trust...and mine was that I am laerning to expect good things...I tend to be negative and think that good things aren't going to if I hear something good is going to happen I don't let myself look forward to it because I think it won't happen...something will happen to hinder the good thing from happening...but I have been learning to expect good things and ask God for good things because he does really want to give me good things not just work out his good in bad situations...that is somethign that I am still working on too...

This week we also learned about old testiment verses new tesitment and God's real love for us...the girls also learned about their value and worth at girls night...and the guys learned about leadership at boys night...

OH and Watson was baptised... which obvisously was great

So that's just a quick overview of some things that happened...I'll tell you some things more indepth later in the week...I'll probably post more videos and some pictures too...hope you enjoy them...


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