I may or may not have mentioned

That getting stuck with needles for dialysis hurts really freakin bad...they say it's supposed to get easier and not hurt so much but that has yet to happen...maybe because my arms are so little...maybe because there is a nerve right by my button hole for my fistula...and maybe recently because there are bruises right around my button holes...how great...while mom is sticking me though I try to distract myself by looking out my window watching the cars go by...or whatever animal decides to pass my window...or if someone is outside people watching...which often means I am watching my across the street neighbor Art doing something weird...like the day he was laying in the neighbor's lawn talking on the phone watching a crew cut branches off of his tree...that day distracting myself worked...most days it doesn't...maybe I need to find something else to do...

So I was a bit all over this week emotionally...physically...whatever...so this post maybe a bit all over the place...
I guess first I should let you know how the benefit thing went...so for that I am sending you to the carring bridge site...
Mom wrote on there the things we know right now...we are so thankful to everyone who came out..it meant so much to us to see you all and be able to catch up and laugh...we kept forgetting it was a benefit for us and just thought it was a cool party...I also didn't really know what I was supposed to do besides talk to people...so I did a lot of that...though I did eat quite a few of those chocolate mustaches that were made for the event...BEST EVER!...and then we got to take home the leftover ones...high-light of the night for sure...I love facial hair so much...I know it's a problem...

The rest of the week was interesting...I volunteered at the high school library for two days...one of the days learning the new computer system...and then one day at Washington elementary school which happens to be where my nephew Matthew goes to school for 1st grade...and so does his best friend Gavin who is the nephew of one of my good friends...they were booth so cute when they saw me in the library...Gavin kept waving at me every time he saw me...and Matthew got a huge smile on his face and then told me hi...then when he was checking out his book he said to the librarian "I know her over there"...so adorable...

Those events made me think about how cute it has always been to me how much that little guy loves me...he is the one that started my nickname BB because he couldn't say Abby...and then one day when he was telling a friend every one's names and how they wee related to him...like "Mike is my dad. Shelia is my mom. Auntie Ashley is my aunt."...he said "And well BB she's just my BB." to which my brother said "BB is your aunt too." Matthew's reply was "No she's not. If she is how come I don't call her Aunt BB"...that has always made me smile...he may not get it yet that I am his aunt but he knows that I am his and that's all that matters...that means a lot to me and warms my heart that a little kid would call me his...that little stinker with the curly brown hair and those dark dark eyes won my heart from the first day...and I am lucky to call him mine as well...

Now back to taking about the library for a second...I kept telling people when I would be in...and now all the librarians seem to want my help...which is a little nuts...but I told Washington I would be in on Monday...tomorrow...forgetting that it is a holiday and told LeeAnn at the high school that I would be in on Tuesday...forgetting that I had a doctors appointment in Peoria...I found recently that I have been trying to live one day and one thing at a time because that's all I can handle...thinking about more than that leaves me feeling a bit overwhelmed...so if I have recently told you I could do something but then forget or had to cancel because I forgot I had something else going on I am so sorry...

Besides being forgetful and overwhelmed this week I have been feeling very insecure...and feeling a bit forgotten...I know I am not but when you have a bad week those feeling easily creep up and take you over...life is just a little crazy and messy still and its easy to feel lost in it all...


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